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Brain Drill Card & Gift Shop—Our Illustrious Sponsor

It doesn’t look like much, but that rundown, decrepit, and neglected gift shop in a protected forest in Wales is a loved and busy hub that provides pretty much any card or gift you can imagine. Just brush off the dirt and don’t disrespect the staff by questioning the prices.

We couldn’t believe our luck when the owner, Gladys, threw a sandwich at us and beckoned us toward her at the local pub, The Dislocated Foot. What started as a night of rather unpleasant lovemaking eventually evolved into a deal that made Brain Drill our official sponsor.

In return, we promised to offer our readers a chance to visit her internet shop—which still looks exactly as it did in 1997.

Buy something, please. Each month without a sale, we have to re-enter her bed and pay our rent.